香港樹仁大學開辦的法律與商業(榮譽)商學士課程,是修讀4年的全日制學士學位課程,學習範疇含括商業及管理法律,此課程屬於院校提供的非政府資助課程,學費約首年:港幣 77,132
課程合計:港幣 308,528
課程項目 | 課程內容 |
課程名稱 | 法律與商業(榮譽)商學士
Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Law and Business |
開設院校 | 香港樹仁大學 |
課程頒授資格 | 法律與商業(榮譽)商學士 |
學習範疇 | 商業及管理法律 |
課程資歷類別 | 學士 |
授課模式(全日制/ 兼讀制) | 全日制 |
是/否由院校提供的非政府資助 | 是 |
修讀年期 | 4 |
學費 | 首年:港幣 77,132 課程合計:港幣 308,528 學生如符合「為修讀香港自資學士學位課程學生提供的免入息審查資助計劃(“資助計劃”)」的申請資格,可於就讀課程的正常修業期內按年獲得資助。合資格學生只需支付扣除了資助金額的學費。在 2023/24學年,資助金額為33,740元。詳情請瀏覽。 |
最低入學要求 | |
備註 | Normal entry requirement: [1] HKDSE Level 3 in Chinese and English, and Level 2 in Mathematics and Attained in Citizenship and Social Development plus Level 2 in one elective subject [2] Applicants who are taking / have taken any locally accredited Associate Degree / Higher Diploma should have completed the first year’s study with a GPA of 2.5 (out of a 4.0 scale) or above. [3] Applicants should obtain at least 2 A Level subjects at Grade E or above (excluding Chinese) Two AS subjects are considered to be equivalent to one A-level subject. The same subject will not be counted at both the A-level and AS-level. [4] IB: Overall score at least 24 points. [5] Mature applicants must be over the age of 23 by 1 September of the year of admission and be able to demonstrate sufficient motivation, knowledge and potential to indicate a high probability of being able to complete the programme successfully.. Prospective mature applicants are invited to discuss their application with the Head of Department concerned in advance of the application period. Successful mature candidates will be admitted on an individual and exceptional basis. [6] Other equivalent academic qualifications (subject to assessment by the University). |
相關連結 |
最後更新日期:22 Jul 2024
(Hong Kong Shue Yan University, HKSYU)