《香港教育雜誌》第98期  | 好學校網站


嶺南大學開辦的環球經濟與銀行社會科學(榮譽)學士課程,是修讀4年的全日制學士學位課程,學習範疇含括商業及管理社會科學,此課程不屬於院校提供的非政府資助課程,學費約首年:港幣 140,000
課程合計:港幣 560,000

課程項目 課程內容
課程名稱 環球經濟與銀行社會科學(榮譽)學士
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Global Economics and Banking
開設院校 嶺南大學
課程頒授資格 環球經濟與銀行社會科學學士
學習範疇 商業及管理社會科學
課程資歷類別 學士
授課模式(全日制/ 兼讀制) 全日制
修讀年期 4
學費 首年:港幣 140,000 課程合計:港幣 560,000
備註 Normal entry requirement:

[1] HKDSE Level 3 in Chinese and English, and Level 2 in Mathematics and Liberal Studies plus Level 2 in one elective subject

[2] A degree or sub-degree awarded by a recognized post-secondary institution. In addition to the General Admission Requirements, applicants are required to fulfil one of the English language requirements as described in the following website of the University: www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/non-jupas/how-to-apply/admission-requirements

[3] Equivalent qualifications - Assessed by college / school. For non-local applicants holding qualifications other than the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination results, please refer to the following website for the admission requirements: http://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/overseas/requirements.php

For applicants with the Joint Entrance Examination for Universities in PRC (Gao Kao) examination results, please refer to: https://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/mainland/requirements.php

In addition to the General Admission Requirements, applicants are required to fulfil one of the English language requirements as described in the following website of the University: www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/non-jupas/how-to-apply/admission-requirements

最後更新日期:23 Jan 2024

  • 嶺南大學

    (Lingnan University, LU)
