香港大學開辦的建築學文學士課程,是修讀4年的全日制學士學位課程,學習範疇含括建築、建造及城市規劃藝術、設計、表演藝術及創意媒體,此課程不屬於院校提供的非政府資助課程,學費約每年 HK$ 42,100,學生畢業後可以獲頒資歷架構級別5的建築學文學士資格。該課程要求水平:核心科目取得3322或更佳成績,並在兩科選修科目達第三級^。
課程項目 | 課程內容 |
課程名稱 | 建築學文學士
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies |
開設院校 | 香港大學 |
課程頒授資格 | 建築學文學士 |
學習範疇 | 建築、建造及城市規劃藝術、設計、表演藝術及創意媒體 |
課程資歷類別 | 學士 |
授課模式(全日制/ 兼讀制) | 全日制 |
是/否由院校提供的非政府資助 | 否 |
修讀年期 | 4 |
學費 | 每年 HK$ 42,100 |
最低入學要求 | Core Subjects: (1) Level 3 or above in Chinese Language (2) Level 3 or above in English Language (3) Level 2 or above in Mathematics Compulsory Part (4) “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development Elective Subjects: Level 3 or above in - Any 1 subject (excluding applied learning, other language) - Any 1 subject (excluding applied learning) or Level 3 or above in - Any 1 subject (excluding applied learning, other language) - Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2 For the general entrance requirements of The University of Hong Kong, please refer to |
備註 | 1. Candidates are required to take part in the Aptitude Exercise. The exercise allows candidates to demonstrate their interest and capacity for architectural thinking. The criteria measured by the exercise include: capacity to conceptualize, creativity, curiosity, analytical ability, daring, rigor, intelligence, intuition, openness, perseverance, spatial sensibility and sociability. The exercise proposes a new question every year and is completed at home and submitted as a digital upload through the programme website. Instructions for taking part in the Aptitude Exercise will be sent to all potential candidates via e-mail and posted on the programme website. 2. The calculation of programme score considers category A subjects and may include Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2 or category C subject whichever is higher. Please refer to for details. 3. The result(s) of Liberal Studies, Combined Science and Integrated Science achieved in previous sitting(s) will also be considered. 4. First year intake: 54 5. Interview: Yes (on a selective basis) |
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最後更新日期:07 Dec 2023
(The University of Hong Kong, HKU)