《香港教育雜誌》第92期  | 好學校網站



課程項目 課程內容
課程名稱 應用數據科學(榮譽)理學士
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Data Science
開設院校 香港樹仁大學
課程頒授資格 應用數據科學(榮譽)理學士
學習範疇 電腦科學及資訊科技
課程資歷類別 學士
授課模式(全日制/ 兼讀制) 全日制
修讀年期 4
學費 待定,為修讀香港自資學士學位課程學生提供的免入息審查資助計劃(NMTSS)
備註 Normal entry requirement:

[1] HKDSE Level 3 in Chinese and English, and Level 2 in Mathematics and Attained in Citizenship and Social Development plus Level 2 in one elective subject

[2] Applicants who have completed any locally accredited Associate Degree / Higher Diploma.

[3] Applicants should obtain at least 2 A Level subjects at Grade E or above (excluding Chinese) Two AS subjects are considered to be equivalent to one A-level subject. The same subject will not be counted at both the A-level and AS-level.

[4] IB: Overall score at least 24 points.

[5] Other equivalent academic qualifications (subject to assessment by the University).

最後更新日期:23 Jan 2024