香港城市大學開辦的獸醫學學士課程,是修讀6年的全日制學士學位課程,學習範疇含括醫科及護理科,此課程不屬於院校提供的非政府資助課程,學費約每年 HK$ 42,100,學生畢業後可以獲頒資歷架構級別5的獸醫學學士資格。
課程項目 | 課程內容 |
課程名稱 | 獸醫學學士
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine |
開設院校 | 香港城市大學 |
課程頒授資格 | 獸醫學學士 |
學習範疇 | 醫科及護理科 |
課程資歷類別 | 學士 |
授課模式(全日制/ 兼讀制) | 全日制 |
是/否由院校提供的非政府資助 | 否 |
修讀年期 | 6 |
學費 | 每年 HK$ 42,100 |
最低入學要求 | Core Subjects: (1) Level 3 or above in Chinese Language (2) Level 5 or above in English Language (3) Level 3 or above in Mathematics Compulsory Part (4) “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development Elective Subjects: Level 3 or above in - Biology - Chemistry For the general entrance requirements of City University of Hong Kong, please refer to |
備註 | 1. Non-Academic Criteria i) Letter(s) of Accomplishment for work experience with animals: - 70 hours, approx. 10 days (e.g. in animal shelters, veterinary clinics, zoos, aquariums) ii) Personal statement: - 800 words total, 200 words per question - motivation, preferred career path, volunteer experience, teamwork/leadership iii) Submission Deadline: - 15th of July (Details of the submission method will be notified by email in mid-June) 2. First year intake: 30 3. Interview: Yes (on a selective basis) |
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最後更新日期:07 Dec 2023
(City University of Hong Kong, CityU)