《香港教育雜誌》第99期  | 好學校網站


香港藝術學院開辦的藝術高級文憑課程,是修讀2年的全日制高級文憑學位課程,學習範疇含括藝術、設計、表演藝術及創意媒體,此課程不屬於院校提供的非政府資助課程,學費約首年:港幣 62,556
課程合計:港幣 125,112

課程項目 課程內容
課程名稱 藝術高級文憑
Higher Diploma in Fine Art
開設院校 香港藝術學院
課程頒授資格 藝術高級文憑
學習範疇 藝術、設計、表演藝術及創意媒體
課程資歷類別 高級文憑
授課模式(全日制/ 兼讀制) 全日制
修讀年期 2
學費 首年:港幣 62,556 課程合計:港幣 125,112
備註 Normal entry requirement:

[1] Level 2 (or above) in five Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) subjects including English and Chinese. (i) Each applicant is allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning subjects in the application; (ii) Preferably with “Attained with Distinction” in Applied Learning subjects.

[2] One A Level or an equivalent number of AS Level subjects in Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE); and 5 passes in HKCEE including English and Chinese; or 3 passes in HKCEE plus Level 2 or above in English and Chinese

[3] Satisfactory completion of a Pre-Associate Degree or an equivalent programme

[4] Holder of Foundation Diploma in Visual Art from Hong Kong Art School

[5] Mature Student at age 21 or above with substantial relevant experience.

[6] Candidate with substantial relevant background to be assessed by the School. Candidates may be required to attend the admission interview and present their portfolios; Candidates may be requested to demonstrate language proficiency, or attend corresponding language test(s).e.g. IELTS; Special Admission may be considered at the discretion of the School for candidates who can demonstrate exceptional excellence in their relevant portfolio; Scholarship opportunities are available. Hong Kong Art School reserves the right to make adjustments to the criteria as and when necessary; Applications from students in Mainland China, Macau, and overseas countries would also be considered.

最後更新日期:23 Jan 2024